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Muffle Furnace

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MUFFLE FURNACE is commonly used in Plastics industry to test the percentage of Ash / Filler content in plastic material or finished products. Kant Plastology’s MUFFLE FURNACE is quite simple in operation and maintenance too, the furnace having log life custom made heater element with thermal efficient insulation that helps to perform at low cost with high energy saving in operation. Kant Plastology procures all test related glassware accessories and chemicals to conduct the test with apparatus.

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Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Automatic Melt Flow Index Test Apparatus, Carbon Black Content Test Apparatus, Compression Moulding Press, Conditioning Chamber, Cooling Chamber, Dart Impact Testing Machine (For Films And Sheets), Deep Freezer, Emission Flow Variation Test Apparatus, Hdpe Pipes Testing Machinery, Hot Air Oven, Hot Oil Bath, Humidity Chamber, Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Machine, Izod Impact Testing Machine, Melt Flow Index Test Apparatus, Muffle Furnace, Opacity Test Apparatus, Pipe Impact Testing Machine, Plastic Testing Machinery, Pvc Pipes Testing Machinery, Sheet Moulding Press, Tear Strength Tester, Tensile Testing Machine, Testing Machinery For Plastic, Two Roll Mill, Universal Testing Machine, Upvc Pipes Testing Machinery, Vicat Softening Point Test Apparatus